HPD Violations

If you have received an HPD violation you should correct the condition and then certify, either by mail or by using eCertification. Building Brothers can assist with all of these violations. You may also seek a postoponement for correction of some of the violations.

HPD violations are issued for the following:

Housing Information Guide Notice
Heat and Hot Water
Lead-Based Paint
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Window Guards
Basement and Cellar
Signage, Filing, and Notices
***NEW REQUIREMENT*** Outlet Covers in Public Areas

To check and see if there are open violations on your property click here. If you do not understand the violation or how to remove it use the Maintenance Requirements Page.

 Building Brothers has assisted many properties in removing HPD Violations.  If you have been issued HPD Violations to get these removed you  can contact us at 347.448.8070 or use the link below.